Four Mental Wellness Tips

 Find ways to relax

Sleep is one of the most important tools we can have in our armoury when it comes to improving mental wellbeing. However, we all know how hard it is to sleep when you can’t switch off. Finding ways to relax before bedtime will help to improve sleep quality.

Relaxation is a personal journey and what works for one person might not for another, but if you are struggling to know where to start here are some ideas to try:

Digital Detox

Ditch the screens and disconnect from the digital world a few hours before bedtime to help give your mind a break.

  • Yoga and meditation

There’s hundreds of yoga videos on You Tube and some great apps like Headspace to help you get to grips with meditation. Just a short session can help you to relax and unwind.

  • Hot tea or a warm bath

Herbal teas, in particular a Camomile tea can help you to relax at bedtime. Indulging in a warm bath can also help you to unwind after a long day, soothing aches and pains that might otherwise interrupt sleep.



Give yourself a break

If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, try to take a break. Step away from the task in hand and get outside, take a tea break, or speak to a trusted friend.



Focus on the present

Mindfulness is a wonderful way to help you relax and reduce anxiety. It can take a little while to master, but one of the easiest mindful activities to help curb an anxiety spiral is The Name Game. Simply name three things you can see, two things you can hear and one thing you can feel.



Look after yourself

Looking after yourself means eating regularly and as healthily as possible, drinking plenty of water, getting regular exercise and generally nurturing your physical health.

Exercise can help to release “feel-good” endorphins, whilst a good diet can help improve energy levels and sleep.