Charity Ambassadors

Tough Enough To Care Ambassadors

Alex Bowdrey

Nickname: Chuckles

Day Job: Film Maker [Alex is the genius behind the Tough Enough To Care video on the homepage of our site].

About: I’ve been into film since 4 years old when I accidentally saw John Hurt giving ‘birth’ in Alien. That was it. Nightmares for 10 years. Ever since then though, I’ve been fascinated about telling stories. I then hit a point where my mental health spiralled. So I turned to telling stories as a way of dealing with my mental health. That brought into the orbit of some amazing people and it gave me the chance to share their stories cinematically. That’s when I met Stu. The rest they say, is history. Outside of all that, I love my cars and spending time with my pals. 

Why do you support Tough Enough To Care? I’m passionate about mental health and seeing what TETC do to help others is really inspiring. So if I can help out in some small way then I will without question. 

Nathan Mason

Nickname: Nathan

Day Job: Aircraft Technician ( RAF 6.5 years) 

About: Nathan , 25 , from South Wales but living in Hampshire. 

Why do you support Tough Enough To Care?After suffering myself in the past tough enough to care we’re a vital part in improving my mental fitness and getting myself back on my feet. The aim is to help others the same way Stu and the team helped me.

Harry Abbott

Nickname: H

Day Job: Firefighter

About: After College, I joined the Army Reserves in 2017. With the Army, I have undertaken Ceremonial Duties such as Guard of Honor for King Charles for the D-Day 75 Parade in France, as well as being involved in the 100 Years of The Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance. I have also been deployed to Kenya for Force Protection QRF. My full time job is with West Midlands Fire Service as a Firefighter. I’ve always enjoyed anything outdoors and try to make a habit of throwing myself up a mountain as often as I can. In February 2023, I spent 12 days walking solo across the width of England, following the famous Coast to Coast route, to raise money for Charity. I always enjoy aiming for a challenge, and it’s never long before I find myself asking, “what’s next?”.

Why do you support Tough Enough To Care? Tough Enough To Care has this this unique ability to feel immense, and yet also intimate. I love how it feels like a community, and grounded in the local area. My personal belief is that if someone needs help, they are more likely to look to a local face. And that’s exactly what I see Tough Enough To Care to be. I have sadly lost colleagues and friends to their Mental Health Demon’s. With it, comes an indescribable feeling of helplessness. And so, why I support Tough Enough To Care is to do exactly that… “Help”. However I can.

Matt Loftus

Nickname: Matt

Day Job: Executive Coach 

About: I’m a huge fan of Tough Enough to Care, and it’s an honour to be an ambassador. I’m married, with 2 children, 1 dog and a cat. I love the great outdoors and getting out there having adventures whenever I can. In work, I’m an executive coach and mental health facilitator. 

Why do you support Tough Enough To Care? I know from first-hand experience, how important it is to create safe spaces where people can speak about their mental health, emotions and feelings. As a former teacher, I sadly lost a student to suicide and it completely changed my life, to now educate people about mental health and support those in need. 

Jordan Davies

Nickname: Jordan ‘Doddy’ Davies

Day Job: Teacher

About: Family and sporting man at heart. I run the Heart of Wales 7s and Welsh 7s Series amongst other bits. 

Why do you support Tough Enough To Care? Good people and good causes can make an immeasurable impact and that’s what TETC does. Honoured to be involved in any shape or form and spread the messages & support.

James Elliot

Nickname: Jim/jimmy/jimbo/jambo sana/jimothy/big jim

Day Job: Psychotherapist

About: Father, Psychotherapist, resilience coach, author, world record holder, airborne forces veteran, BJJ competitor, weight lifter.

Why do you support Tough Enough To Care? Fulfilment is finding what you are good at and using it to benefit the world around you.

Philip Thomas

Nickname: Taff

Day Job: RAF Parachute Jumping Instructor

About: I am originally from Wales but left at age of 18 to pursue a career in the RAF of which I have served 20 years to date. My Hobbies are Bull riding (Have actually done it), little bit of rugby and supporting charities to help others. I currently run the Horus 7s rugby team who have raised over £65k for charity and also am the founder of the the breakthrough prison project. Having been a Parachute Instructor in the RAF for 16 years of my career has given me some great skills that hopefully I can utilize in supporting TETC and what they stand for. Forgot to mention I have the same amount of World Records as Usain Bolt.

Why do you support Tough Enough To Care? Having known Stu and outstanding motivation he has it is exciting to be apart of this charity. Also I have lost several friends though suffering with mental illness and so want to raise the profile to get rid of the stigma that surrounds makes mental health.


Gavin Rand

Nickname: Gavin/Gav. (Never Gavlar. Feckin’ James Corden)

Day Job: Outdoor pursuits instructor/croupier/actor.

About: I’m that actor what did that film thingy. I hope it wins a grammy or summat. [Gavin stared in our Tough Enough To Care video on the homepage of our site].

Why do you support Tough Enough To Care? I lost an uncle to suicide. At my first meeting, I was shocked at how open men can be when they’re in that situation. It was incredible. It made me realise just how stifled we are and how much we bottle up. TETC does some incredible work, and I want to support it in any way I can.

Pete Beatty

Nickname: Pete

Day Job: Roofer

About: 61 year old roofer channel swimmer , solo walk from Calais to Gibraltar , ocean rower , length of Windermere swim , 1 Daughter Ella wife Myra.

Why do you support Tough Enough To Care? They do what is says on the tin 

Tim Harris

Nickname: Tim

Day Job: Headteacher

About: Born and raised in the Black Country, I am first and foremost a family man. A proud father to two wonderful girls who make me smile and laugh every day. Having graduated in 2000 with a Sports Science degree I began my teaching career in Sandwell as a PE Teacher. My first school will always have very special memories, especially as I met my wonderful wife there (she may look back on that time differently!). I now have the privilege of working at Summerhill School. Outside of school I am an avid sportsman. I love all sports…. especially Liverpool FC. I grew up as a swimmer which allowed me to experience some incredible opportunities. I am now a ‘Dance Dad’, which is a whole new world for me! 

Why do you support Tough Enough To Care? The work that TETC carry out is invaluable. Having that ear to talk to or that shoulder to lean on is vital for anyone at a tough time. Offering that simple bit of support can make such a significant difference. TETC do this day in and day out and to be part of that is a privilege. 

Martin Robertson

Nickname: I don’t have a nickname!

Day Job: Small business owner 

About: I‘m someone who likes to look for the deeper meaning in life and I love helping others. we only have one life and we have to live it!

Why do you support Tough Enough To Care? Because the group was there when i was at my lowest. I just want to show people that people can find a way out of the darkness. I don’t have the answers but I am an example of someone who was as low as you can get but found my way out.