Healthy Leadership
Min 8 – Max 20 people
Part 1 – (as above for Understanding mental health & peer support)
- Understanding mental health and what it is
- Realising the rising figures of suicide and people reaching crisis point
- How to spot the signs and symptoms
- Non-judgemental listening skills
- Opening a dialogue with someone in need
- Signposting to professional services
Extension for team leaders & Managers –
- Correct language to use during MH discussions with team members
- Supportive and effective methods of working routine
- Checking in with team members and the importance of inclusion
- Reducing stress in working environments
- Return to work strategies
- Implementing peer support in the workplace
- Creating a non-judgmental environment and encouraging discussion
- A peer support session is also be added to the end of this session to give real life experience of supporting someone and how the situation can be handled when discussing subjects of a sensitive nature